aBoUt mE
deCemBEr 2001
JanUArY 2002
fEBrUArY 2002
mARcH-ApRiL 2002
mOrE piX
LaTEsT sNipPetS
guEsT bOoK
LyRics oF ThE wEeK
fEBrUaRy 2002
The winter is here!!! Then why I'm starting the spring break already?
February 19-21 Trip for Chiba University Foreign Students to Hakone and Shirako
It was the greatest trip of all!! I had the best of time!! We went to Hakone, where spring water bath is famous, and we got to see the Fuji Mountain which, was very beautiful during that time of the year. Of course the 3 day trip was great because I got to spend it with my crazzzzy friends: Santi, Windy, Vita, Pio-chan, Muzafar, Ferry, Yasser, Namiko, Elena.. and all the bunch.
February 27- March 1: Ski Trip at Tenguyama Ski Slope in Kusatsu
This was one of the most memorable moment in my life... it was the first time I saw snow in my entire life.. and the frist time i tried skiing (which was quite unsuccessful.. but was very fun)> I wet to the trip with my friend, Windy. We met some Indonesian students there.. and we had the greatest time!! And to add the fun, our ski instructor, Saito-kun from Gunma Daigaku, was quite nice to look at.. hehehehe..