aBoUt mE
deCemBEr 2001
JanUArY 2002
fEBrUArY 2002
mARcH-ApRiL 2002
mOrE piX
LaTEsT sNipPetS
guEsT bOoK
LyRics oF ThE wEeK
dECeMBeR 2001
Hm.. two months have gone already and now I'm at my third month in Japan...
So many happy things and weird things happened in this month, and here's the highlights! Enjoy!
Disney Sea!!! (Dec 17)
Tokyo Disney Sea was opened on September 2001, the only Disney Resort in the world which uses the sea as the theme.
Monday, December 17, 2001
I went to Tokyo Disney Sea (it's actually located in Chiba Perfecture, not in Tokyo!!) with my sister. She spent the night over at my dingy lil room the day before we went there.
Disney Resort is actually not far from where I live, it only took us around 30 minutes by train to get there. We went there around 10 in the morning and went back home around 10.30 at night, exhausted to boot.
Since we went there on Monday, it wasn't very crowded. But still, it's Disney. You still have to wait quite some time to get on the rides.
My favorite ride was "Journey to the Center of the Earth". It was a heck of a ride!! I also like Genie's 3D theatre. But "2000 Leagues Under the Sea" was pretty much a disaster.
Journey to Nagoya (Dec 24-28) and Gifu (Dec 26)
It took me 6 hours on the JR Highway Bus to get to see Desiree and Indhune in Nagoya. But I finally made it! Me! Alone!
Anyway, I spent about 5 days of my winter break in Nagoya. The athmosphere there is pretty much different with what I see in Tokyo or Chiba eventhough Nagoya is also located in Honshu.
Tokyo seems to be a hurly-burly city with so many people hurrying about to so many different places. Chiba is a bit more sedate than that, but still we can walk around at God forsaken hour and still can see people walking or coming back home.
But in Nagoya, I think it's not as hectic as Tokyo or Chiba.
Kinugasa Sensei, Desiree, me!!!
The Incident of December 31st...
Let's see.. where should I begin this unhappy story about me, getting sick on the last day of the year 2001 and I had to be carried to the hospital by ambulance, and that I had to take the IV and made my sister worried.. Well, I guess I already begun my story, huh? Anyway, the gist of this story is that it was probably the most unforgetable new year's eve I've ever experienced in all of my 21 years. It was the first time I got to ride the ambulance.. and personally, if I could I wish I won't have to ride it again for the rest of my life. But anyway, my illness wasn't that bad. It was called enteritis, a sudden imflammation of intestine. The doctor said the cold bug probably entered the inside of my tummy and upsetted my digestion. It hurt like hell, and I got to stay in bed for a few days afterward. But don't worry, I'm fine now! :) |